
Here you'll find informations, race reports, questions, answers (for the lucky ones) concerning ultra-distance runnning and, to some extent, triathlon. Most of the content here is available in French . Non-French readers can still enjoy the pictures anyways, and some (but not many) complete race reports. Here's an example . Note that the main reason for all this to be in French is that it's my native language and 24h-only days do not allow me to both train and translate 8-)

ufoot and Paulo
Marathon du Médoc 2004, steack and oysters for the happy jacks. Not really an ultra but it's important to stay open minded.

Most informations published here have been written within the French ultra forum. In fact, this section would probably have not existed without the excellent (French again) magazine UltraFondus. Its main subject is ultrarunning (running more than 43km, basically). Being much more than a magazine and a forum, UltraFondus feels like a breeze of fresh air with its amazingly friendly community and its brilliant idea: replace junk advertisements by content and quality.

Note that UltraFondus is neither engaged as an association, society, magazine, redaction, spirit whatsoever in what's written here. Let's say that we ( my father and myself ) are active readers of the "mag'" and forum, and that we enjoy sharing our experiences.


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Updated on Tue Dec 08 2009.